| 1. | A revolution must come on the due instalments plan 革命必须按照预定计划分几个阶段进行。
| 2. | Flexible instalment plan 灵活分期计划
| 3. | One customer told the researchers that offering the instalment plan made the jewellery company look " tacky " 一位顾客告诉研究人员,提供分期付款方案使这家珠宝公司显得“俗气” 。
| 4. | For the latest instalment plan you can enquire your cash bonus rewards and redeem your bonus points online . request for statement 于大新e - banking随时查阅信用卡即刻有钱分有分共享纪录
| 5. | Members can enjoy membership price on the purchases of towngas designated residential appliances or enjoy 10 - month interest - free instalment plan 会员凭卡可以会员优惠价购买指定之住宅式煤气炉具,或可享有
| 6. | While instalment plans might not work for jewellery buyers , it can be a useful way of hanging on to purchasers of other relatively expensive services 对珠宝购买者来说,分期付款方式可能行不通,但对于其它相对昂贵服务的购买者来说,这也许能留住。
| 7. | Generally , a surcharge will be imposed on tax overdue irrespective of whether an instalment plan , on the ground of a taxpayer s financial difficulties , has been accepted by the department 一般而言,纳税人因经济困难而与税务局达成分期缴税的安排,逾期的税款亦需缴交附加费,此举有助鼓励市民准时交税。